Renton Western Wear Inflatable Rooftop Balloon
Inflatable Rooftop Balloon Increases Traffic and Sales
The I-5 freeway in Tacoma, Washington, has approximately 50,000 cars zipping to and fro every day. From cell phone calls to radios blasting to remembering to pick up the kids, drivers have a lot on their minds.
It would be easy for them to fly right by the Tacoma Mall exit without ever noticing Renton Western Wear. Easy, that is, except for the giant cowboy boot on the rooftop.
When Renton first contacted Landmark Creations about their inflatable rooftop balloon, they had one specific goal in mind: Cause cars on the I-5 freeway to stop and come into our store. Simple enough.
So, we went to work creating a "landmark" that would represent Renton well while also grabbing attention from motorists. The result? An inflatable rooftop balloon shaped like a cowboy boot that looks like the real thing.
Has it worked? Jerry Kavsh with Renton Western Wear had this to say. "[Our inflatable] increased customer traffic which increased sales. We are able to directly track customer traffic caused by the boot, so we know the inflatable boot paid for itself within the first year." Now that's a smart investment!
Renton chose Landmark and continues to work with us because of our local presence in Minnesota, our experience and our competitive pricing. Let us help you drive more traffic!
Featured in Landmarketing Issue 30
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What Others Say About Landmark Creations
"Landmark worked with us to make sure our client was satisfied with the product. They provided great customer service and got us answers when we needed them."
- April Lo, SKA Events
"I was especially impressed with your ability to turn around such excellent work on very short notice, and at a fair price."
- R. Stever-Zeitlin, General Mills
"[The logo] helped us create a better presence, improved foot traffic, became a photo backdrop and helped us have the best-looking booth at the events,"
- Laura Repreza, KTLM Telemundo 40
The inflatable complements our messaging since Ivar’s is a quirky restaurant that’s known for its antics.
- J. Werth, Ivar's Restaurant
“The inflatable finish arch looked fantastic! Local media was also there filming, so photos and videos of our race were viewed by many with our logo front and center.”
- David Parker, Pacific Road Runners Club
"After speaking to a number of vendors, Landmark Creations had the professionalism, customer service, ingenuity, and creativity that we did not find elsewhere."
- Sean Conway, Arch and Loop