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SONIC's Inflatable Product Replica Combo Is a Big Hit at Parades

SONIC inflatable Combo Replica on Parade FloatSONIC Combo Inflatable Product Replica Has Parade Goers Licking Their Lips

As the old song goes, "I love a parade!" Who doesn't? They are lots of fun for onlookers and for participants. Just ask SONIC Drive-In who regularly uses an inflatable product replica of their SuperSONIC Combo to entertain crowds. 

Whitney Hayes, Director of Marketing for Watford Group SONIC Drive-Ins, explains: "We call it the 'parade inflatable,' but it's actually a SuperSONIC Cheeseburger, tater tots and a Coke float on the classic SONIC red tray. We have used this inflatable (and the other identical one) in multiple parades in Texas, Louisiana and Georgia. Perhaps the most notable has been the Savannah St. Patrick's Day Parade, which attracts from 400,000–750,000 people every year."

But how much impact can an inflatable product replica passing by on a parade float actually have? More than you might imagine. "We hope to catch the attention of parade attendees, obtain some media coverage, attract more business and win a prize, where applicable. We usually have a pop in sales when we use the inflatable in parades. We get a lot of attention from the crowd, and people really seem to love it. We always hear someone screaming, 'I want that burger!'  We usually get at least one picture in the paper or online when we use the inflatable; once we even got the front page of the paper."

Impressive! Truly impressive.

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What Others Say About Landmark Creations

"Thanks so much, [the inflatables] look great. I am truly impressed. (So is the client.) I'll look forward to working with you in the future."

- W.C.P., CRN International

"Landmark Creations has been our go-to supplier for 15 years. Tom and his team are people we count on to make our products look good."

- J. Doyle, Scenery First

“We wanted to convey our 'money-saving' message; what better way than a 14-foot-tall inflatable booth with money flying around in it?”

- B. Hoffman, Hydra-Flex

"I was especially impressed with your ability to turn around such excellent work on very short notice, and at a fair price."

- R. Stever-Zeitlin, General Mills

"It was a big success! Customers were stopping to take their pictures with the inflatable pheasant and it helped draw in interstate traffic."

- M. Kettler, Cabela's

"This year’s event was the highest attended in some time, and the [inflatable] astronaut, front and center on our Portico, was a great visible draw from all over the area."

- Dennis Bateman, Carnegie Science Center