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Custom Inflatable Piggy Bank Promotes Savings with a Smile

Green Piggy Bank Custom Inflatable Replica Shows Kids How to Bank on Savings

Liz Humphrey wanted an inflatables company she could bank on.

As HR Benefits Specialist for Missouri's First State Community Bank, she was part of a committee considering float ideas for an upcoming parade.

"We didn't have a lot of time to work with," she says. "Our event was about one month away."

So, she turned to Landmark Creations. Could Landmark craft an inflatable replica of a cute, classic piggy bank in such a tight timeframe?

The answer? "No problem!" Under Humphrey's direction, Landmark designed and built an inflatable mascot named Piggum, complete with smiling piggy face and pleasingly plump tummy.

Best of all, the custom inflatable porker was ready to roll well in time for the parade. 

Humphrey reports, "Landmark Creations was able to create our inflatable in a short amount of time so that we could have it on our parade float. The team was great to work with!"

At 6 feet tall and 4.5 feet wide, Piggum certainly stands out. And he serves as a fitting ambassador for First State Community's Junior Savers Account, which helps youngsters ages zero to 17 jumpstart their lifetime savings.

Why did First State Community choose Landmark? According to Humphrey, it started with a Google search. "We saw all of the different options that Landmark had available and contacted them right away."

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What Others Say About Landmark Creations

"Landmark worked with us to make sure our client was satisfied with the product. They provided great customer service and got us answers when we needed them."

- April Lo, SKA Events

"It was a big success! Customers were stopping to take their pictures with the inflatable pheasant and it helped draw in interstate traffic."

- M. Kettler, Cabela's

“We wanted to convey our 'money-saving' message; what better way than a 14-foot-tall inflatable booth with money flying around in it?”

- B. Hoffman, Hydra-Flex

"Thanks so much, [the inflatables] look great. I am truly impressed. (So is the client.) I'll look forward to working with you in the future."

- W.C.P., CRN International

"I was especially impressed with your ability to turn around such excellent work on very short notice, and at a fair price."

- R. Stever-Zeitlin, General Mills

"[Our inflatable tunnel has] increased players & parents enthusiasm and recognition in the league for having a good program."

- W. Forrestal, Apex Sports Authority