Custom Giant Inflatable Arch Boosts Community Engagement and More
Custom Inflatable Arch Has Marathoners Racing for More
It started out at as a way to build brand visibility at a local marathon. Now it has become so much more.
The Dell EMC inflatable arch was commissioned by Ben Stephenson, lead for the firm's Community Service Committee. As he explains it, "the initial project was to increase our presence at our water stop for the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon."
To that end, Stephenson turned to Landmark, and Landmark came through. The finished custom inflatable stands 15 feet high and 21 feet wide and weighs 156 pounds. Designed as a double arch, it features a complex cluster of interconnected "molecules" – a marvel of inflatable craftsmanship.
According to Stephenson, the inflatable arch quickly became a huge hit.
"On multiple occasions, we received confirmation that the arch helps build out the best water stop on the marathon."
"This year a local TV station broadcast just in the front of our water stop, using the arch as a backdrop. We already have a number of requests to have these arches appear at multiple community engagement events," says Stephenson.
Why did Dell EMC OKC choose Landmark Creations? Landmark was "quick to respond," Stephenson reports. "Plus, they had a great idea and delivered as promised."
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What Others Say About Landmark Creations
"Thanks so much, [the inflatables] look great. I am truly impressed. (So is the client.) I'll look forward to working with you in the future."
- W.C.P., CRN International
"After speaking to a number of vendors, Landmark Creations had the professionalism, customer service, ingenuity, and creativity that we did not find elsewhere."
- Sean Conway, Arch and Loop
"It was a big success! Customers were stopping to take their pictures with the inflatable pheasant and it helped draw in interstate traffic."
- M. Kettler, Cabela's
"Simply put, the bobbleheads were a real hit at TwinsFest. Over 21,000 fans attended the two-day event raising more than $100,000 for the Twins Community Fund charities."
- Heidi Sammon, Minnesota Twins
"Just wanted to say how much we LOVE our inflatables. We tested them in our lobby where they were, of course, an instant hit for school group photos. Our leadership was quite pleased with the durability and the realism."
- Mike Hennessy, Carnegie Science Center
“[The inflatable arch] created a wonderful backdrop to brand our events, capture our sponsors in the photos used by the participants, and made it easy to travel down the coast of California without taking up too much space on our trucks.”
- Amy Daugherty, California Coast Classic